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Essential Legal Framework | Clearing Rights for Film and TV

Erich Pommer Institut

This workshop offers a comprehensive overview of rights’ clearance strategies and the necessary legal knowledge to tackle these issues head-on. Top European and US-American industry experts and state-of-the-art case studies help participants develop a deep understanding of the topic in a surprisingly entertaining way.




Without project


Intermediate , Senior


25 - 27 April 2024

This workshop is part of ESSENTIAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK (ELF), a long-running training series featuring residential workshops, online courses (eTraining) and from 2022 on, compact online seminars. The training equips audiovisual professionals with crucial skills and competences with an emphasis on legal and business aspects. The training activities offer relevant topics, hands-on information, acclaimed experts and valuable networking, employing a variety of formats and methodologies.

Company data

The Erich Pommer Institut (EPI) is one of the leading providers of advanced training in the German and European media landscape and a recognised industry-specific think tank. With its expertise in media law and management and with a variety of formats and publications, the EPI supports the on-going process of digital transformation in the media industry. The Erich Pommer Institut was founded in Potsdam-Babelsberg in 1998 as an independent non-profit limited company and is an institute affiliated with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and the University of Potsdam.