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APostLab - Annual Workshop



Well-managed post-production will help your film or series reach its full potential, creatively as well as financially. APostLab offers unique workshops that teach you how to incorporate post-production and VFX into the entire production process right from the start.






Intermediate , Senior


22 - 27 October 2024 in Halle (Saale), Germany

Application deadline

31 July 2024


We cover all crucial components – from budget to workflow and planning, to creative and technical aspects. The goal: you end up with the skills to avoid any bottlenecks in planning and budgeting, and you are able to have eye-level discussions with all parties involved in the post-production of your future films and series. Our motto says it all: Post before you shoot!

With over 12 years of training experience and an international pool of industry-leading experts, APostLab helps European audiovisual professionals to advance their skills in managing the post-production of internationally co-produced feature films and series.

APostLab’s annual activities consist of three programs, the APostLab Annual Workshop, the related Mentoring program, and the short-format APostLab On-Demand workshops.

The APostLab’s flagship, 6-day, project-based residential Annual Workshop for producers and post-production supervisors gives the workshop’s 22 participants a better understanding of post-production management techniques, workflows, and their relation to traditional and new distribution methods, particularly in the context of international co-productions.

The workshop is dedicated to facilitate international networking and spread best-practices among participants, and empower post-production supervisors to become competent and confident in helping producers plan post-production of their projects.

As an extension of the Annual Workshop, APostLab has designed its Mentoring program with the focus on emerging post-production supervisors to further individual and professional development of the Annual Workshop’s post-production supervisor participants who want to work independently, or would like to expand their career to an international level.

Finally, the APostLab On Demand workshops are short-format, 1-to-2 days, topic-driven programs that can be adapted and offered to broader European professional audiences. The On Demand workshops always focus on a topic with flexible training formats that best fit the audience and provide an effective way to the address the wider professional community about the importance and benefits of well-managed post-production.

Company data

APostLab offers training and workshops to producers and post-production supervisors with the aim of increasing understanding and appreciation of post-production management. With 12 years of training experience, and an international pool of experts and trainers, APostLab helps film professionals advance their skills in managing post of internationally co-produced feature films and series.

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